The summer heat is here but there are a lot of possibilities for fun activities in and around Brentwood. Here are some events happening around town to keep your entire family entertained:
Brentwood Farmers’ Market: The Brentwood Farmers’ Market is here every Saturday from 8AM to 12PM until November 18th. Located in Downtown Brentwood on First and Oak Streets. The market is full of delicious surprises with new fruits and vegetables arriving every week so make sure to stop by often!
Starry Nights Concerts: The “Starry Nights in Brentwood” Summer Concert series is back for another year! This heavily-anticipated summer tradition is a great chance for families and friends to hang out, picnic, and enjoy live music in City Park. Head out on Friday evening for a night of fun! Concert performances are 7-9PM.
Concerts by the River: Enjoy another night of free live music performances at Antioch’s summer concert series at Waldie Plaza across from Antioch City Hall on Saturdays from 6-8pm. Bring blankets, lawn chairs, and a picnic (or pick up dinner from Moveable Feast, a gourmet food truck event).
Hot August Nights: The Brentwood Family Aquatic Center is open every Saturday in August from 6:30-8:30pm for music, games, themed parties, and night swimming. This is a great chance for family bonding in a fun and safe atmosphere.
Discovery Bay Food Truck Round Up: Enjoy several gourmet dinner & dessert trucks at the Discovery Bay Community Center (1601 Discovery Bay Blvd) on the 2nd Wednesday of the month (the next round up is scheduled for August 9th) from 5-8pm. This family-friendly event features live local musicians, and helps support local non-profit groups.
Bark in the Park Dog Parade: The annual parade is a family-friendly event where dogs are encouraged to wear costumes and strut their stuff! This year the parade will take place on Saturday, August 19th at 9AM at City Park on the corner of Second and Oak Streets. Hosted by the Brentwood Advisory Neighborhood Committee
Discovery Bay Kids’ Fishing Derby: The second fishing derby is scheduled for Tuesday, August 8th from 6-8:30pm at the Discovery Bay Yacht Harbor (5901 Marina Rd). Pre-registration is recommended as they only accept the first 50 students, aged 15 years and under. A free BBQ (hot dogs and burgers) will be provided for all the fishers!
Oakley’s Annual Kids Fishing Derby: Enjoy a fun-filled day of “catch & release” fishing for kids aged 15 years and younger and their families at Oakley’s annual fishing derby on Saturday, August 12th! Prizes will be awarded for biggest first, smallest fish, and most first caught. The Derby will be followed by a free lunch for participants. Preregistration is advised and be sure to bring your own pole (bait will be provided). The Derby will take place at the Oakley/Antioch shoreline pier from 9-11AM.
Movies in the Plaza: Head down to Civic Center Plaza in Downtown Oakley to enjoy a movie under the stars. Admission is free and movies begin at dusk. Bring your blankets, lawn chairs and snacks (some snacks will also be available for purchase). On August 19th, the featured movie is Sing!